googler diary(158)
2008 - 07 - 19
Gex, France
2010.07.20 -
DICOM: Copy No. to (x,y,z)
const G4double NSlice=(NVoxelX)*(NVoxelY); if( DoseDeposit && DoseDeposit->GetMap()->size() != 0 ) { std::ostream *myout = &G4cout; PrintHeader(myout); std::map:: iterator itr = DoseDeposit->GetMap()->begin(); for(; itr != DoseDeposit->GetMap()->end(); itr++) { G4int Slice= int(itr->first/NSlice)+1; G4double Z=(2.*Slice-1.)*HalfZ-HalfZ*NVoxelZ; G4double NXYef=itr->first-(Slice-1)*NSlice; G4doubl..
2010.07.19 -
VRML viewer
While installing FreeWRL got an configure error: checking for IMLIB2... configure: error: Package requirements (imlib2) were not met: No package 'imlib2' found Installing imlib2-devel package fixed the error.
2010.07.19 -
ssh initial connection takes too long
Look at /etc/ssh/ssh_config and if you find "GSSAPIAuthentication yes" change it to "GSSAPIAuthentication no" *tip : use -vvv option for a ssh check :)
2010.07.13 -
Using AIDA with Geant4
in your main GNUmakefile : include $(G4INSTALL)/config/binmake.gmk CPPFLAGS += `aida-config --incs` ANALYSISLIBS += `aida-config --libs` Geant4.9.1 여서 그랬을까? .. kenobi에서 AIDA 잡느라 시간 좀 걸렸네. 훗.